Morganite Stone - Meaning, Symbolism, Birthstone

The Morganite stone, which was named after the American banker J.P. Morgan, was first discovered in Madagascar in 1867 and has since become popular among jewelry lovers and gemstone collectors around the world. With its delicate pink hue and the fact that it’s not as widely available as some other precious stones, this variety of beryl garnet stands out in its own way, with many people feeling that it’s the perfect gemstone to give to someone you love on their birthday, anniversary or Valentine’s Day. Here’s everything you need to know about the symbolism behind this beautiful stone.



History of Morganite

The Morganite crystal is a type of Garnet and is considered a stone of imagination and creativity. Morganite was named after banker J.P. Morgan, who had an affinity for its striking peach-pink color in hues similar to his own name. He owned what is currently considered one of top gemstones in all of America: The Star of India sapphire that rests at New York’s American Museum of Natural History. Interestingly enough, his company would later be responsible for developing a synthetic version of pink beryl which would become known as Morganite shortly after his death in 1913.


Properties and composition

Morganite is a golden-pink gemstone that is usually found in a range of pink shades and occasionally can be green. Morganite is an extremely rare gem stone that has been said to have healing powers, bring good luck and even help with clairvoyance. The peridot stone dates back as far as ancient Egypt where it was used for religious ceremonies. During medieval times it was used by physicians for its healing qualities during childbirth and also to repel evil spirits; giving it its title of being a protective stone. Its associations with protection stems from it being believed to offer wisdom to those who wear or carry it, making them more aware of danger before hand, whether physical or emotional.



Healing properties of morganite

Morganite is associated with creativity and finding your artistic side. Not only does it help you unleash your imagination, but morganite will also allow you to see things from a new perspective. This perspective can help with self-acceptance and forgiveness. Many people who struggle with these issues may find that wearing morganite helps them get in touch with their feelings of inadequacy. Morganite can also be helpful for women who are going through menopause because it will reduce symptoms such as hot flashes and mood swings. Just like peridot stone jewelry, morganite gemstones make great gifts for friends or family members who have been recently diagnosed with cancer due to its properties as an anti-inflammatory and a natural pain reliever.


How did it get its name?

The name of morganite is attributed to its discoverer, gemologist J.P. Morgan (1867-1943). He was a banker and entrepreneur who created a huge empire in steel, railways and finance—the same man behind what is now known as JP Morgan Chase. Legend has it that he bought large quantities of peridot stones from Tiffany & Co., often as gifts for his friends' wives. Noticing that these green gems were especially similar to his wife's favorite color, pink roses, he had them renamed after her: morganite!


How is it made into jewellery?

Morganite is a beautiful gemstone. The colouring of pink and red hues make morganite an extremely sought after precious stone. The good news is that you can use morganite for making jewellery as it is available in different shapes and sizes such as rounds, ovals and square (cabochon). You can also purchase morganite jewellery online.


Who should wear this birthstone?

Because Morganite is a feminine stone, it is best suited for women who want to add a little shine to their outfits. It’s also ideal for parents who are looking for a gift idea that works well with any outfit or occasion. Kids and teens love Morganite because of its sparkle and beauty. You can also get double use out of your Morganite gemstones by giving them to friends as beautiful gifts!


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