What is the meaning and power of the blue sapphire stone?

 The sapphire stone is one of the oldest gemstones in existence, first known to man and used by kings and queens in ancient times. There are different meanings associated with blue sapphires, but there is no denying that the stone holds magical powers within it. This article will explore the meaning and power of the blue sapphire stone, as well as ways to incorporate it into your life for healing and spiritual power!




Sapphire comes in three major varieties, which are distinguished by their color. The most common is corundum, found in every shade from colorless to red. The second most popular, ruby, ranges from light red to deep crimson-red. And then there’s emerald green quartz, which occurs rarely on its own—the majority of green quartz on Earth has been synthetically made—and has no significant gemstone uses today. While rarity doesn’t play a huge role in determining value with colored stones (even synthetic amethyst can fetch thousands per carat), fine quality does. For example, a large star ruby with exceptional clarity and an earthy red hue may cost tens of thousands less than one that's small but extraordinarily vivid.



The ancient cultures of India and Burma used green quartz as protection against envy, headaches, nightmares, toothaches, fever, dysentery, snakebites and scorpion stings. Some say that it protects against witchcraft and sorcery; others believe it helps one understand dreams. If you carry a piece of green quartz in your pocket or wear it as jewelry around your neck, you will be protected from accidents. The Celts considered green quartz a powerful healing gemstone because they believed that it could cure diseases like typhoid fever and whooping cough if worn on an amulet or carried in a pocket near affected organs. Also in medieval times green quartz was known to protect knights from evil curses during battle.


Healing properties

Sapphire crystals are composed of aluminium oxide and are found in a variety of colors. Sapphire has been used for its healing properties for thousands of years, with ancient civilizations using it to help purify water. The ancient Egyptians believed that if one carried a sapphire with them at all times, they would not feel grief or sorrow. Some Native American tribes used it to help them gain insight from their dreams, while others believed that by carrying a sapphire with them one could bring fortune into their lives as well as protect themselves from witchcraft.



Metaphysical properties

The most powerful part of a gemstone’s influence, often referred to as its frequency, comes from its metaphysical properties. For example, Garnet has been used as a protector since Biblical times because they resonate with courage. This is why they are often set in pendants or worn as rings when working to resolve issues that cause fear or apprehension. Within each gemstone there are different properties attributed to it; for example: Citrine resonates hope and helps you open your heart towards love. A type of quartz that promotes abundance, confidence and joy in life. Onyx symbolizes strong will power and enhancing one's self-discipline by ensuring concentration on goals.



The reason behind it is that blue sapphires are not only attractive, but are also considered to be a very powerful gemstone. In fact, many people believe that a deep-blue sapphire can have quite an effect on your life. They possess healing properties and bring about balance to your life. Wearing or having one in your home brings luck and protection as well as hope and contentment. In fact, they’re thought to protect against stress-related illnesses like depression or heart problems. More than being simple pieces of jewelry that look pretty around your neck or in an earring, they actually have true magical powers!


Size matters

When it comes to gemstones, size definitely matters. While diamonds are without a doubt considered one of the most desirable gems on earth, there’s a wide variety of other options for your jewelry collection. One such gem is called sapphire; it ranges in color from red to green to blue and generally features a softer hue than its more popular cousin. However, what most people don’t know about sapphires—especially those with bluish-purple hues—is that they have been imbued with fascinating powers since ancient times.


Common uses

In ancient times, Blue Sapphire was considered a royal gemstone. Ancient Persians called it the Gem of Love or the Stone of Heaven. Sapphire has long been said to have healing powers for humans as well as animals (particularly cats). It was often used by shamans in rituals involving meditation, with claims that it could heal illnesses caused by stress and illness in general. This belief is supported by modern science; studies show that people who use Blue Sapphire are less susceptible to colds, flu, infection and other sicknesses than those who don’t use it.


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