Exploring The Meaning Of Amethyst Symbolism

 Amethyst has been used in royal jewelry for centuries, as purple symbolizes royalty. You can find stunning examples of this purple amethyst Quartz in the royal jewelry the English monarchy wears. The Bavarian, Norwegian, and Luxembourg royal jewelry collections also feature exceptional examples of these stones.


Christians have also used amethyst as a symbol. Amethyst, believed to symbolize Christ, has historically been worn in bishops' rings.

The Four C's:

If you are a jewelry fan, you will likely realize that the Four C's of Carat, Cut, Color, and Clarity can greatly impact the value of many stones. As with other stones, the Four C's are important when discussing amethyst jewelry. However, these elements don't work for this beautiful gem exactly as they do for other stones.


The color of amethyst can vary widely. This unique stone can range in color from clearly transparent to a rich purple, with subtle hints of brown or bronze.

These tints can greatly impact the value of your purple Quartz stones.

Color zoning is another thing to check for in your amethyst. Noticeable differences in color across the body of the stone, or color zones, will greatly reduce the value of an amethyst.


Although clarity can impact the value of your amethyst, so long as inclusions are indistinguishable from the naked eye, they will not greatly reduce the value of your stone. In fact, the value of this specific gem is primarily determined by its color rather than by small imperfections. A natural amethyst with good color will hold much value even with little, indiscernible defects.


Amethyst may be shaped into a great deal of different forms.This means you are almost guaranteed to find a stone to fit your style. These gemstones are cut into standard shapes like rounds, pears, ovals, and cushions.

You will also find purple Quartz cut into faceted patterns called brilliant cuts. Additionally, if you're really daring, you might be able to locate this unique stone chopped into unique shapes.


Carat weight is always important in the discussion of gemstones. This stunning gemstone is often chosen as a center stone in jewelry, as the cost of an amethyst does not increase as dramatically with size as many other gemstones. A huge amethyst will be significantly less expensive than valuable stones like natural diamond, rubies, sapphires, and emeralds, just like other semi-precious gemstones.

Lab or Natural Sapphire?

Although natural sapphire is still readily available, it is also created artificially. Also called synthetic sapphire, lab grown gems sapphire is produced by a synthesis method (hydrothermal growth) that grows crystals of the gorgeous purple stone inside a high-pressure autoclave. It is said to mimic a good-quality natural sapphire. Like lab-grown diamonds, lab-grown sapphire has the same chemical and physical properties as its natural counterpart. The only way to differentiate them is through advanced gemology testing, an expensive way to authenticate naturally grown sapphire.


Amethyst is a gemstone with a rich history and deep symbolism. For generations, it has been a part of jewelry, décor, and spiritual rituals. Its deep purple color is associated with luxury, wealth, and power and is believed to have healing and protective powers. This stunning purple gemstone is constantly in excellent selection!


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